Bris Check List



IMPORTANT: To assure that the Bris be held as planned, it is important that if any health-related concern develops (i.e rash, fever, etc.) it should be brought to the Mohel’s attention immediately.

The child’s last feeding should conclude at least 30 minutes prior to the Bris. Please bring the following items:

  • 5 diapers and baby wipes
  • 2 swaddle blankets
  • Change of clothes for baby
  • Bath towel
  • Kosher Sweet wine. It should say “Mevushal” on the label
  • A pacifier (optional)

Please see to it that the baby is present 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time so the ceremony can run as planned.

For the sake of your peace of mind and to ensure promptness, please be sure that all of those who will be receiving important honorary positions are notified ahead of time.

Honors at the Brit: (numbers in parenthesis represent the order of importance)

  • Sandak – person that holds baby on his lap during Bris(1)
  • Standing Sandak – person that holds baby while the baby’s name is announced and blessings are recited (2)
  • Reciting the blessings and name (3)
  • Placing the baby on the throne of Elijah (4)
  • Lifting the baby from the throne (5)
  • Kvatters – people that carry the baby into the room (6)